The Terpene Lab Los Angeles Has Every Terpene Profile Ever! In Stock,

Thor’s Hammer Terpene Profile

Is In Stock!

MrExtractor’s Citrus Category is a fresh and fruity blast for the senses. Our terpene profiles were designed with deep citrus notes. These best selling profiles are a perfect balance of a sweet and sour mix that will bring to mind strong smells and flavors of lemons, limes, and oranges. Anything in our Citrus category can be blended with Clear Distillate, Bulk Delta-8, Hemp Extracts and CBD Isolates.
MrExtactor’s Complex Terpenes Category. Our expertly layered profiles are handcrafted to taste exactly the way they smell. With hundreds of hours committed to research and development, these profiles possess intricate characteristics that will make your line stand out. Our complex and exotic profiles can be blended with Clear Delta 8, Wholesale CBD, Distillate and Isolates.
MrExtractor’s Earth Modifier is comparable to rich fresh soil. A strong, deep flavor addition to any blend, this earth modifier will add an interesting layer without overpowering. Our Earth Modifier can be added to any terpene profile and be blended with CBD Extracts, Distillate, Bulk Delta-8 and isolates.
MrExtractor’s Pine Category will transport your senses to a fresh evergreen forest. These profiles contain the best-selling classic, pungent, earthy and fresh aromas that your clients know and love. One of the Top 3 best selling categories in the country these piney, rich and robust profiles can be blended with Bulk Distillate, Clear Delta-8 and all your hemp extracts.
MrExtactor’s Woody Category. Woody terpene profiles are designed to have full bodied, flavorful characteristics. Our herbal terpene profiles can be blended with Clear Delta 8, Bulk Delta 8, hemp products and various extracts. If you are looking for the best Herbal, Aromatic and Handcrafted Terpene products, contact us for wholesale pricing today.


Feel the godlike divine power rumble in your hands as you grip The Terpene Lab’s Thor’s Hammer terpene profile. This isn’t just any flavor, this is a recipe straight from Asgard itself, whispered through the winds of Yggdrasil into the ears of Mr Extractor. The dominant flavors that come to reign are an earthy base that grounds you, coupled with a piney punch strong enough to split mountains. An undernote of woody richness prevails, layered subtly with the tanginess of citrus and crowned by a complex aroma that encapsulates your senses in divine intervention. Boasting a lineage known only to Odin himself, this strain hails from Vortex and Cinderella 99 – indeed fit for demigods.

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this profile


Thor’s Hammer Terpene Profile


MrExtractor’s Citrus Category is a fresh and fruity blast for the senses. Our terpene profiles were designed with deep citrus notes. These best selling profiles are a perfect balance of a sweet and sour mix that will bring to mind strong smells and flavors of lemons, limes, and oranges. Anything in our Citrus category can be blended with Clear Distillate, Bulk Delta-8, Hemp Extracts and CBD Isolates.
MrExtactor’s Complex Terpenes Category. Our expertly layered profiles are handcrafted to taste exactly the way they smell. With hundreds of hours committed to research and development, these profiles possess intricate characteristics that will make your line stand out. Our complex and exotic profiles can be blended with Clear Delta 8, Wholesale CBD, Distillate and Isolates.
MrExtractor’s Earth Modifier is comparable to rich fresh soil. A strong, deep flavor addition to any blend, this earth modifier will add an interesting layer without overpowering. Our Earth Modifier can be added to any terpene profile and be blended with CBD Extracts, Distillate, Bulk Delta-8 and isolates.
MrExtractor’s Pine Category will transport your senses to a fresh evergreen forest. These profiles contain the best-selling classic, pungent, earthy and fresh aromas that your clients know and love. One of the Top 3 best selling categories in the country these piney, rich and robust profiles can be blended with Bulk Distillate, Clear Delta-8 and all your hemp extracts.
MrExtactor’s Woody Category. Woody terpene profiles are designed to have full bodied, flavorful characteristics. Our herbal terpene profiles can be blended with Clear Delta 8, Bulk Delta 8, hemp products and various extracts. If you are looking for the best Herbal, Aromatic and Handcrafted Terpene products, contact us for wholesale pricing today.
Lift Mjolnir and taste the thunderous impact of Thor’s Hammer terpene profile! Feel your life force surge as if struck by lightning itself. This is not a terpene for mere mortals; it offers an earthly energy boost so powerful it could awaken Heimdall from his eternal slumber – Speed and agility akin to Loki’s trickery – A cerebral high so poignant, it would bring enlightenment even to Thor himself. Prepare for an overwhelming sense of euphoria as unstoppable as Thor’s chariot pulled by Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr themselves.

Click Here and use Code "TERPENELAB" at Checkout

Today only!

this profile


Thor’s Hammer Terpene Profile


MrExtractor’s Citrus Category is a fresh and fruity blast for the senses. Our terpene profiles were designed with deep citrus notes. These best selling profiles are a perfect balance of a sweet and sour mix that will bring to mind strong smells and flavors of lemons, limes, and oranges. Anything in our Citrus category can be blended with Clear Distillate, Bulk Delta-8, Hemp Extracts and CBD Isolates.
MrExtactor’s Complex Terpenes Category. Our expertly layered profiles are handcrafted to taste exactly the way they smell. With hundreds of hours committed to research and development, these profiles possess intricate characteristics that will make your line stand out. Our complex and exotic profiles can be blended with Clear Delta 8, Wholesale CBD, Distillate and Isolates.
MrExtractor’s Earth Modifier is comparable to rich fresh soil. A strong, deep flavor addition to any blend, this earth modifier will add an interesting layer without overpowering. Our Earth Modifier can be added to any terpene profile and be blended with CBD Extracts, Distillate, Bulk Delta-8 and isolates.
MrExtractor’s Pine Category will transport your senses to a fresh evergreen forest. These profiles contain the best-selling classic, pungent, earthy and fresh aromas that your clients know and love. One of the Top 3 best selling categories in the country these piney, rich and robust profiles can be blended with Bulk Distillate, Clear Delta-8 and all your hemp extracts.
MrExtactor’s Woody Category. Woody terpene profiles are designed to have full bodied, flavorful characteristics. Our herbal terpene profiles can be blended with Clear Delta 8, Bulk Delta 8, hemp products and various extracts. If you are looking for the best Herbal, Aromatic and Handcrafted Terpene products, contact us for wholesale pricing today.
Give thanks to Mr Extractor, our very own Heimdall standing at the Bifrost bridge – Downtown Los Angeles being our Rainbow Bridge linking Midgard (Earth) to Asgard (Cannabis Nirvana). His genius inventions have paved the way for others to tread where gods dare not walk. His work with The Terpene Lab has brought joy and success unmatched across realms, and his gift – Thor’s Hammer terpene profile could only have been bestowed by Frigg herself! Indulge in the divine flavors and feel the power of Asgard coursing through your veins with every hit. This isn’t just a puff – it’s a taste of Valhalla itself.

Any Size, No Minimums!

10 ml, 25 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, Liters and Gallons
$ 999
a Liter!
  • Multiple Gallons: $0.60 a ml
  • 10+ Liters: $1.00 a ml
  • 10+ 500 ML: $1.75 a ML
  • 100 ML: $2.25 a ML
  • 25 ML: $2.50 a ML

Thor’s Hammer

Terpene Profile

Stock Your Store!

You can stock and resell this terpene profile in your store with wholesale prices as low as $.50 a ML!

The Terpene Lab supplies some of your favorite shops and brands with wholesale terpene profiles!
From Organic Terpenes to Flavored Terpenes, Cannabis Spray tech and Infusion technology, we have you covered.
Come to the lab or call us today for the worlds largest selection of Terpene Technology!

Crystal Clear Terpenes

Our terpenes are clear, Crystal Clear. Ensure your product will stay perfectly clear, the natural way.

Lab Tested, Every Batch

All profiles exceed requirements in all 50 states for pesticides, residual solvents and additives.

Live Terpene Series

All Terpenes are extracted from real plants, never synthetic.

Every Terpene Profile. Ever.

The Terpene Lab has the largest selection of terpene profiles, Period. With over 7500 active accurate strain profiles, in stock.

Can't Make It To The Terpene Lab? We Got You!
You can Call or Text The Terpene Lab and arrange your order to be shipped out, Or you can view these and other fine terpenes profiles available NOW at for immediate shipping. Clicking a profile below will redirect you to the MrExtractor E-Commerce Website where you can place an online order today!

Yellow Fruit Stripes

terpene profile

Strap on your flavor seatbelts, dear connoisseurs, for Mr Extractor's Yellow Fruit Stripes Terpene Profile is here to rocket your palate into an all-you-can-taste nostalgia trip! This profile is a glorious mashup of Lemonchello 10 and London Pound Cake 97, offering a gustatory throwback to those coveted stripes of chewy, fruity goodness. A burst of sweet, fruity citrus aroma and a creamy, candy-like flavor that would make even Willy Wonka blush! As the latest addition to the much-celebrated Hype Strain Series from Mr Extractor, this profile is set to tingle your senses like that cherished yellow gum of yore.

Taking a moment to unwrap the second layer, the flavor masters behind this profile deserve a standing ovation. They've brilliantly encapsulated the exhilaration of unwrapping a fresh stick of Yellow Fruit Stripes gum. The profile's sweet, fruity citrus aroma is like taking a nosedive into a pile of ripe, sun-kissed fruits. As for the flavor, brace yourself for a flashback to the first ecstatic bite of that creamy, fruity candy from childhood. It's a merry-go-round of taste that whirls you around with delightful intensity.

And guess what, folks? The Yellow Fruit Stripes Terpene Profile isn't just a sugar-rush down memory lane. It's also been crowned as one of the most sought-after strain profiles of 2023. Sitting snugly alongside the flavor titans of the year, it's a bold new entrant in the world of strain profiles, promising a thrilling ride for your tastebuds while also paying homage to the timeless classics. The grand upshot? A flavor portfolio so complete it's like the juiciest gum-ball machine, only better. So, pop in a flavor stick and let the happy, social head highs roll!

MrExtractor’s Loud Terpenes Category possess the dankest, most powerful and pungent profiles in America. These iconic zesty blends will stand out in any room. Our expertly blended Loud Terpene profiles pack a punch both for your nose and your pallet without being overpowering. These award winning loud profiles will blend perfectly with Clear Delta 8, Wholesale CBD, Distillate and Isolates.
MrExtractor’s Pine Category will transport your senses to a fresh evergreen forest. These profiles contain the best-selling classic, pungent, earthy and fresh aromas that your clients know and love. One of the Top 3 best selling categories in the country these piney, rich and robust profiles can be blended with Bulk Distillate, Clear Delta-8 and all your hemp extracts.
MrExtactor’s Modifier Category. Super Skunk was designed as a strong skunky, danky and gassy additive. If you want to add more Skunk intensity into your existing Terpene profiles, blend in this Modifier. The Super Skunk modifier adds another layer of complexity to your existing Terpene profiles. It can be blended with CBD isolates, Delta 8, hemp products and numerous other products.
Our Pain Relief Terpene collection is an award winning selection of hand crafted, relaxing terpene profiles that are widely known for their soothing and pain relieving effects. America's best selling Pain Relieving Terpenes can be combined with CBD Distillate, Delta 8, hemp products and numerous others.
Productive Terpenes by Mr. Extractor will take you to a whole new level of efficiency. These bottles are specifically crafted with terpenes that promote an efficient and dynamic mood. Raise your daily limit with America's top pick for productive terpene profiles. These can be blended with various products like Bulk Distillate, CBD Isolate and Delta 8.
Our Relaxing Terpenes are a category of top-selling restful and restorative blends that are widely known for their soothing, calming effects. Blending these relaxing terpene together with CBD Isolate, Clear Delta-8 or Distillate allows manufacturers to create a wide range of best selling tranquil products.

Limoncello 28

terpene profile

Ever thought about bottling summer and spraying it all over? Hold onto that zesty thought because Mr Extractor's "Lemonchello 28" terpene profile is doing just that! A citrusy symphony of The Original Lemonade doing a sunny tango with Cherry Pie, this profile is the beach party of the year in our ultra-pop Hype Strain Series. Imagine breathing in the mouthwatering aroma of lemon drops and fresh berries, then tasting the tantalizing rush of lemon cherry candy with a crisp, citrusy aftertaste. But hey, don't expect to find any actual lemons or pies in there, we're in the business of creating wild experiences, not your grandma's pantry!

Now, onto the main attraction, the flavor and aroma. "Lemonchello 28" is the brainchild of breeders who surely must moonlight as sorcerers because they've managed to concoct something that makes your tastebuds throw a raucous fiesta while your olfactory senses go on a rollercoaster ride through a citrus orchard in full bloom. When you're looking for a tsunami of lemon drops hitting the rocky shores of fresh berries, interrupted by a hailstorm of lemon cherry candy, you're in for a surprise. It's not a weather forecast; it's the "Lemonchello 28" experience!

"Lemonchello 28" isn't just another profile in the lineup, folks, it's the new poster child of 2023's hottest strain list. Why? Because it's like bringing the fiery sun of July to a snowy December day. It’s elbowing its way into the hallowed hall of time-tested classics, adding a bright yellow twist to Mr Extractor's flavorful portfolio. In a world of dull, run-of-the-mill profiles, "Lemonchello 28" is the brash, bold streak of sunbeam that just won't be ignored. So brace yourself and get ready to be sun-kissed by this lemony wonder!

MrExtractor’s Citrus Category is a fresh and fruity blast for the senses. Our terpene profiles were designed with deep citrus notes. These best selling profiles are a perfect balance of a sweet and sour mix that will bring to mind strong smells and flavors of lemons, limes, and oranges. Anything in our Citrus category can be blended with Clear Distillate, Bulk Delta-8, Hemp Extracts and CBD Isolates.
MrExtractor’s Fruity Terpene Category encapsulates the fruity essence of your favorite strains. With notes of citrus, strawberry, blueberry, and grape these award winning terpene profiles are the best selling in the country. These hand-crafted blends are the perfect way to add a fruity flavor to your product line and can be used with Clear Distillate, Delta-8, CBD Isolate and various other extracts.
MrExtactor’s Herbal Category. Specifically designed to be aromatic, savory, with floral characteristics. Our herbal terpene profiles can be blended with Clear Delta 8, Bulk Delta 8, hemp products and various extracts. If you are looking for the best Herbal, Aromatic and Handcrafted Terpene products, contact us for wholesale pricing today.
Mr Extractor’s Creative terpenes category. This bottle of terpenes is specifically crafted to promote creativity, stimulate ideas and open your mind. America’s top pick for creative terpene profiles and a customer favorite. This creativity boosting profile can be blended with Bulk Distillate, CBD Isolate, Delta 8 and various other products.
Mr Extractor’s energizing terpenes. These terpenes can be combined with Clear Distillate, Delta 8, and CBD and more. Choose one of our best selling or award-winning terpenes that will give you the boost you need to stay hyped and motivated.
Mr Extractor’s euphoric inducing terpenes. America's top selling euphoric handcrafted terpene profiles are widely known for their joyful and elating effects. These terpenes can be combined with CBD Distillate, Clear Delta 8, and Hemp products and more.


terpene profile

Break out your cookie jars, because Mr Extractor's Do-Si-Dos Terpene Profile is baking an aroma so good you're going to buy out the whole stand and earn a badge for being our biggest sponsor!  With a lineage steeped in the sweet, earthy embrace of Girl Scout Cookies and OGKB, this indica phenom packs a scent punch that’ll transport you back to the joyous days of cookie commerce outside your local supermarket.

Inhale deeply, and you'll be doing more than just a do-si-do; you'll be waltzing through layers of fragrant nostalgia. Each note is a step back to the first crunchy bite of those coveted Do-Si-Dos, a cookie so good it's got entire troops singing praises. This terpene profile is a masterclass in sweet herbal bliss, a flavor that’s more than a handshake between old-school tradition and contemporary cool.

Strap in for a whimsical ride, because Mr Extractor's crafting here is nothing short of scout's honor—seriously, we’re talking a terpene concoction so authentically delightful, you'd expect it to come in a brightly colored box. And while we can't promise a side of singing and badge-earning with each whiff, what we can guarantee is a grin-inducing, reminiscent experience. So rally your senses, pledge your allegiance to flavor, and prepare to support your newest aromatic addiction—because this Do-Si-Dos profile isn't just a throwback, it's a throwdown of delicious proportions!

As we progress through 2024, this terpene profile is distinguishing itself as one of the top-rated. Its authentic reproduction of the Do-Si-Do's strain's flavors, combined with its harmonious balance of different taste notes, has garnered commendation and acclaim. Beyond providing a unique taste experience, Mr. Extractor's Do-Si-Do's Terpene Profile offers an engaging sensory journey, enriching daily life and enhancing overall wellbeing.

MrExtractor’s Citrus Category is a fresh and fruity blast for the senses. Our terpene profiles were designed with deep citrus notes. These best selling profiles are a perfect balance of a sweet and sour mix that will bring to mind strong smells and flavors of lemons, limes, and oranges. Anything in our Citrus category can be blended with Clear Distillate, Bulk Delta-8, Hemp Extracts and CBD Isolates.
MrExtactor’s Complex Terpenes Category. Our expertly layered profiles are handcrafted to taste exactly the way they smell. With hundreds of hours committed to research and development, these profiles possess intricate characteristics that will make your line stand out. Our complex and exotic profiles can be blended with Clear Delta 8, Wholesale CBD, Distillate and Isolates.
MrExtractor’s Earth Modifier is comparable to rich fresh soil. A strong, deep flavor addition to any blend, this earth modifier will add an interesting layer without overpowering. Our Earth Modifier can be added to any terpene profile and be blended with CBD Extracts, Distillate, Bulk Delta-8 and isolates.
Mr Extractor’s euphoric inducing terpenes. America's top selling euphoric handcrafted terpene profiles are widely known for their joyful and elating effects. These terpenes can be combined with CBD Distillate, Clear Delta 8, and Hemp products and more.
Mr Extractor's Happy Terpenes category. This bottle of terpenes is designed with the sole purpose of lifting your mood and boosting your happiness. It is award-winning and top of the line for happy terpene profiles. It can be blended with Bulk Distillate or CBD Isolate or Delta 8 or various other products.
Our Relaxing Terpenes are a category of top-selling restful and restorative blends that are widely known for their soothing, calming effects. Blending these relaxing terpene together with CBD Isolate, Clear Delta-8 or Distillate allows manufacturers to create a wide range of best selling tranquil products.

Terpene Tech and Reviews With Mr Extractor!

The Company that invented terpene profiles and started the terpene revolution has the widest Selection of Terpenes on the Planet!


Mr Extractor's "Ice Cream Cake" Terpenes: A botanical blend exuding Wedding Cake and Gelato #33 vibes.

How To Buy

Thor’s Hammer

Terpene Profile

$ 2
a ML for terpenes
  • Call The Terpene Lab

    Call 818-697-6956 10-5pm
    Text 503-713-7341 24/7
  • Visit The Terpene Lab

    320 Wall St, Los Angeles CA
    Mon-Sat 10-5
  • Call

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Cereal Milk Terpenes: Sweet Milky Delight with a Cookie Touch by Mr Extractor

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  • Call The Terpene Lab

    Call 818-697-6956 10-5pm
    Text 503-713-7341 24/7
  • Visit The Terpene Lab

    320 Wall St, Los Angeles CA
    Mon-Sat 10-5
  • Call
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